Category Archives: Nutrition Ins and Outs

All about healthy eating. Tips to better dieting. Learn what to include and exclude from your eats.

Is Low Carb or Low Fat Diet Better.

This question is an on-going war where each side takes a loss. On the side of low carb, the participants will lose out on pizza, pasta, bread, and potatoes. On the side of low fat, they’ll lose out on burgers, sausages, whole milk, and ice cream. It’s a tough decision to make when either way you’ll lose. If you have to lose though, which one will be the most effective?

Low Carb

Low Fat





 Lower blood pressure  May burn miscle tissue  More selection of food  More room to eat unhealthy
 Increased fat loss  Insufficient micronutrients  No carb crash from low carb diet  lack of good fats

Both diets make great points and both have their advantages, but it all depends on what you think you can stick with and pull off!

The Importance of Water

Water the Essence of Life

Water is the probably the 2nd mowaterst important necessity for life (the first being oxygen). We can’t survive without water for 3 days! Why is this? Well water is the ultimate solvent. It breaks down nutrients, lubricates our tissues, and distributes water soluble vitamins such as vitamins B and C.

If you’re an avid soda drinker like I used to be you may want to reconsider. You may not want to end up with the 6 cavities I did. Not only are your teeth and bones cursing you for drinking that soda, your body will crashing after the caffeine and sugar rush wears off. I used to find myself drinking soda for the sole purpose of just having something to drink. I would then end up running to the bathroom every 10 minutes (a side effect of caffeine) and then feeling miserable within an hour.

I also used to hate the taste or lack of taste of water. As I made my transition, however, I noticed the taste and feel of water was growing on me. It all comes down to what you make a habit. If you make drinking water a habit instead of drinking soda, you will be saving yourself some complications that would come later down the road.

Top 3 vegetables

VegetablesOne of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to be healthy is to be well informed of what is healthy and why. The more informed you are on these things, the easier it will be to make healthier choices. We’re going to explain the top 10 vegetables.

#1. Broccoli: Probably the most well known health food in the world. Broccoli is not only extremely healthy, but it is very common and accessible, and even tasty. The main reasons Broccoli is healthy is because it has very high vitamin C, Vitamin E, Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and more. All of which do good things for you.

#2. Peas: Another well known and common health food. Peas from the can are much less nutritious and delicious than peas from the stem. There’s nothing like breaking peas right out of their pod, and eating them raw and fresh. While you’re at it, you may as well eat the pod as well, it has much nutrition of it’s own. It is high in Vitamin A, Niacin, B6, and Folate.

#3. Beans:There are many kinds of beans, practically all of which are very healthy. Kidney beans especially. Beans such as green beans are good as well, and well liked, but dry beans are where the real nutrition is at. Kidney and other similar beans are very high in Iron, Fiber, Manganese, and Phosphorous.

Just knowing these three things should help you seek to include these more in your diet. Good luck with this.

Daily Smoothie – Easiest Life-Changer Ever

Would you like to know one of easiest life changing things you can do? Make yourself a smoothie each morning. Smoothies can act as a super meal, giving us loads of nutrients that our body can utilize. When do we ever sit down and eat 2 bananas, 5 strawberries, a cup of blueberries, a cup of pineapple slices, a mango, and a cantaloupe? Likely nobody does that very often. But if we did, we would benefit from it a lot. An alternative that works just as well is to blend it all into a smoothie. That is something we can handle. Not only is it very good for you, but it’s delicious. Who could turn down an ice cold fruit smootie?

Smoothies are great because it’s easy to blend anything in it that you want. You can find powdered supplements anywhere that you could easily throw into a smoothie. Or you could put in protein powder if you’re trying to build muscle. Each fruit has different benefits for us, so it would be great to mix it up, but there’s nothing more to making a smoothie than throwing a variety of fruits in a blender, some ice, and some milk and yogurt if you’d like. It takes about 2 minutes to make one and if we have one every morning, we will feel more energy throughout the day, and our body would be happy.

It doesn’t have to be only fruit either. It’s easy to throw vegetables in as well. Carrots, spinach, broccoli, beats, and other vegetables are great for blending. These will add even more nutrition to your shakes. Start making yourself a super shake each morning, and see the difference it makes in your day. You will love it.

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Starting a Food Journal

A lot of people have a hard time eating healthy. I’m going to explain in this article, how to keep an effective eating journal that will help you stay on top of what you eat and the nutrition you get in your diet.

In your efforts to eat healthier, the first step is to make sure you understand what you are eating before you eat it. So often we just eat and snack without really thinking about it. This leads to unhealthiness. If we consciously decide what we are going to eat before eating, we will be able to have more control of our diet.

Try to figure out where you can improve the most. Think about which of your meals tend to be the least healthy. Think about what you snack on throughout the day, and when you do it. The first step in creating this journal is being aware of what you take in. This will help you to figure out where you need to improve.

Understanding what you need to change will help you get started. Make yourself a food journal and keep tabs on everything that you eat. This can be a separate journal in itself, or just a section of your daily journal. It can be as simple an elaborate as you would like. Do whatever works best for you. Just make sure that you are consistent. With every meal write down what you eat. In addition, put how much food you ate. This can be difficult without a food scale handy all the time, but make as good of a guess as you can. Or you can make your own measuring system, like a 1 – 10 scale or something.

In addition to writing what you ate, write why you ate. The reason for this is because many times we don’t eat just because we’re hungry. Often we’ll eat because we’re bored, or it’s our routine, or something will look really good, or we’ll eat at a social event because everybody else is. Keeping track of this will help you to know why you eat at different times.

Also keep track of where you eat. This will also help you to figure out what places you tend to eat more. As you do this, you will be able to see patterns in your life and you will be able to control them to your best interest. As you take control of your eating habits using this method, you will have an easier time changing your diet to how you want it to be, rather than letting it be in control of itself. This is one of the most effective ways to stay on top of your diet.

good luck with it!

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Does it Matter What I Drink?

All over the place we hear about what to eat and what not to eat. We tend to think about food much more often than liquids. However, somewhere in school each of us probably learned that our bodies are made up of about 75% liquid. Well, that liquid doesn’t just come out of thin air. That liquid comes from whatever we put into our body.

We can survive much longer without food than we can without water. We could die within just a few days of having no water, where we could go a week or two without having food before dying. Our body needs plenty of liquids to function properly. Liquids lubricate, clean, and transport things within our bodies.

So, when we start to feel that itch of being thirsty, what do we go for? Most beverages are made up of mostly water, so pretty much any normal beverage will at least keep us alive. The question is, what does it do inside our body?

Here are some drinks to avoid: #1 Carbonated soda. Carbonation is one of the worst things we can drink. Many people in this world are addicted to soda, and go straight for it whenever they feel thirsty. This is very bad for them. With the amount of carbonation in a can of pop, our body literally has to pull calcium out of our bones to balance out the carbonation in order to survive. Drinking several of these per day will have many negative consequences on our health from headaches, to weak bones, to diabetes, to a number of different problems. My suggestion would be to simply avoid carbonated drinks period. They are a cause of many terrible health problems in the world today.

Another is Alcohol, which is just as common, and much worse than soda. Alcohol will eventually kill us by destroying our kidneys. It’s terrible for the brain and it dehydrates us much more than hydrates us. It will also ruin our lives and our families when we get addicted.

high-caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks, are very addictive and harmful to our mental and physical health. We should stay away from these as much as possible.

Truly the best drink in the world is water. If we just keep drinking plenty of water, we will be very positively benefited from it. Our body will work and function much better when it is properly hydrated.

If we don’t get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat, then we can get much from different liquids. There are many great drinks out there that give us a lot of nutrition. Juices are excellent sources of nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Fruit juices have a lot of sugar in them, but they are still very good for us. Vegetable juices are even better for us. Milk is good for us by providing calcium for our bones. These along with many other drinks can benefit us in many ways.

Developing good drinking habits will impact our health to a great degree. It is one of the easiest aspects to stay healthy in, and one of the most impacting to our overall health. If we just stay away from harmful drinks that will get us addicted to them, we will begin to only want healthy drinks, and any harmful drink will not be enticing to us at all.

(here is a good site for great treadmills with water bottle holders)
Check it out. Hope all of this helps you. Come back for more next time.

You are what you Eat

One of the most important aspects of health is what you eat. Our food affects everything in our bodies. In order for our bodies to function properly it needs certain amounts of different kinds of nutrients. We need Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to perform at our best level. When shopping and eating, look at the nutrition labels for the amount of carbs, fats, and proteins our foods have.

Carbohydrates provide us with energy. We should make carbohydrates about 50% of our diet. These are found in grains and sugars. There are 2 kinds of carbohydrates: simple, and complex. Simple carbohydrates are found in sugars. Sweets and fruits are sources of simple carbs. These are less desirable because our bodies break them down quickly, and gives us a short spike of energy. Afterward, our bodies slow down even more than before we took in the carbs. Complex carbs on the other hand, break down very slowly after we take them in, giving us lasting energy throughout the day. Complex carbs are much better for our bodies. They can be found in vegetables and whole-grain bread, pasta, and rice.

Although fats have a very bad connotation in these days, they are vital to our health. Our diet should consist of about 20% of fats. Our organs and bones need fat to serve as padding. Depending on age and gender, our body fat should be between 6 – 15%. In some cases, more or less than this could still be healthy. As with carbs, there are 2 kinds of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated is the bad kind. Saturated fats are the fats that are solid at room temperature, like the grease from bacon that solidifies itself after you take it out of the heat. Our bodies have no use for this, so they just turn it into the fatty jiggly stuff that we’re always trying to get rid of. Unsaturated fats are in things like oils, which stay liquid at room temperature. This is the kind of fat that our bodies can use for good purposes.

Proteins are what our bodies use to make tissue. This is why body-builders take in so much protein. Because they need it to get bigger. All of us, whether big or small need protein to stay healthy. Our bodies use it to fortify us, give us strength, repair damaged tissue, and so on. Protein should make up about 30% of our diet.

There are many other aspects of nutrition that we need to understand to keep a healthy, balanced diet, but this is one of the most important. Try paying attention to it as you eat. If you follow this, you will feel a big difference in your overall well being. thanks for reading!

Good luck!