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Benefits of Sunlight

In health media we seem to hear about the sun as an enemy. all they talk about is how it gives us skin cancer and makes our faces wrinkle up. Although it can do these things somewhat, they leave out all the necessary benefits that we get from the sun. We would be very unwise to always stay out of the sun, losing all of the benefits that we receive from it.

It is not good overdo the amount of sunlight we receive, but we should not be afraid to get an ample amount each day. It is one of the best curing agents the planet has to offer for many physical and emotional conditions, and gives us a long list of benefits that I will explain here.

First of all, it helps our skin glow. When in the sun, our skin produces Melanin, which makes our skin turn brown and helps protect us from UV rays. In the long run, you skin builds up a natural resistance to the Sun’s UV rays.

A less commonly known benefit of the sun is that it actually helps us lose weight, or keep it off by improving our metabolism and digestion. It also boosts the Endorphins and Seratonin our body creates and calms down our nerves, helping us to relax, feel peaceful, and have a greater sense of happiness throughout the day.

The Sun’s UV rays are great for killing the things we don’t want, including bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, molds, and more, which helps prevent us from getting a number of different diseases or problems. The sun also helps prevent and minimize acne, rashes, boils and other skin problems.

It helps to enhance our immune systems, by increasing our white blood cells so they can destroy germs and diseases better. It helps us to produce more red blood cells and increases the oxygen in our blood which can help with a number of issues. It helps us sleep better at night and slow down the aging process. It helps us our hormones balance out. It helps our liver do its job which will reduce our risk of cancer and other diseases. It helps lower our Cholestrol.

One of the main benefits we receive from the sun is the amount of Vitamin D it gives us. Vitamin D is basically only found from the sun, and gives us a host of benefits. This extra Vitamin D that we receive from sunlight can help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart problems, diabetes, Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, and more.

Although too much sunlight, may harm have potential to harm us, it is not a good idea to hide from the sun. The benefits we receive from it far outweigh the risk of harm from it.

So, get out there in the sun each day and enjoy the healthy life you’ll have from it. Just don’t overdo it and try not to get too sunburned. Good Luck!

(buy quality treadmills at reduced prices here at Nordictrack Coupons)

Proform’s Tour De France Exercise Bike

Tour De France Exercise BikeHave you ever kept up on the Tour De France race? I stand in awe that anyone is able to even travel that far on bike, let alone the the amazing time they do it in. Did you know that the Tour De France is total distance of about 2,130 miles? That is an incredible distance to travel on bike. It reminds me of when I was back in boy scouts doing my cycling merit badge. The requirement to receive that badge was that you had to ride 50 miles in under 8 hours. I remember cringing during our 20 mile practices, and when the time finally came for the full 50 miles, it took everything I had to summon that much stamina out of my poor little body. And I wasn’t out of shape.

The Tour de France is such an extraordinary race that the whole world seems to stop to watch as it’s happening. In honor of the race Proform Fitness has come out with an exercise bike to let those of us who aren’t there, also participate. The bike is named the Le Tour De France Exercise Bike, and is their highest quality exercise bike that they’ve come out with. One of the reasons for its name is because it can simulate the the extremely hilly terrain of the real Tour De France. Ordinary exercise bikes have no way of simulating such terrain, because they can’t go up or down to simulate hills. The Tour De France bike is able to incline and decline 20% in both directions. It’s also connected to google maps so that all you need to do is choose your course and start pedaling. Google Maps will automatically incline and decline the bike based on the terrain. This lets you get a real feel for the terrain with all the hills and even the wind resistance. This is one of the smartest bikes around.

If you have trouble getting yourself out biking, you should try this exercise bike out. Give yourself long courses and see how long it takes for you to complete them. Push yourself and race against yourself, or better yet, race against others. The great thing about this is that you don’t need to wear a helmet! And you can watch TV while you exercise. Many reviews are about this claim that the real outdoor feeling helps motivate them to use it more. If you’re looking for something to spice up our exercise life try this bike out. You’ll love it. You can get it or check out more about it at the official Proform site Tour De France Exercise Bike. You can read a review about it and get a $75 coupon here at Proform Coupons Proform Tour De France Bike.

Treadmill Desks

A giant chunk of the population have to work at desk jobs in these days. A problem that so often comes with these jobs is the lack of exercise these people get. Sitting down all day takes a real toll on health. Is there any way possible to work at a desk job, and get exercise throughout the day? Well, I guess i’m not the only person that has asked that question.

Jay Buster, a desk worker made a goal to walk across America on his “Desk Treadmill.” A desk treadmill is just what it sounds like, A treadmill connected to a desk. It makes it possible to work at a desk while walking on a treadmill. It may take a little getting used to, but you can imagine the benefits. Jay’s goal took about a year and a half, but he successfully walked across the United States while working. He lost 20 pounds and his body was much healthier.

These treadmill desks are becoming much more popular these days and you can buy them on a variety of different sites. With all of the benefits that come from these innovative desks, it may be worth looking into.

(Find discounts and reviews on great name brand treadmills at Freemotion Coupons)

It’s time to start arising early.

Sun RiseI recently looked up the word ‘arise’ in the dictionary. It means to Spring Forth! There’s a famous saying by Benjamin Franklin that says Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Growing up I wondered how it would make a difference what time you go to bed or get up as long as you get a full night’s rest. It’s begun to make more sense as I’ve gotten older.

When you ‘arise’ early, you tend to do productive things. Things such as exercise, chores, reading, writing, or other productive activities. When you stay up late at night, usually your mind is tired from the day, and you just want to do relaxing things like watch TV or surf the internet or play on facebook.

I am amazed at the difference in a day when I arise early, and get the things done that I want to get done. I experimented with this concept. For 2 full years I kept a strict adherence to a 10:30 bedtime and a 6:30 wake up time. It was tough at first, but my body quickly adjusted to it, and loved it. I felt a notable difference in my physical energy level and my mind was invigorated throughout the day. By the time 10:30 came around in the evening my mind and body were tired and ready for bed, but when 6:30 rolled around, getting up was surprisingly easy. My body expected it and as a result I was able to spring forth in my morning activities with ease. For those 2 years I was amazed at how much I was able to accomplish in my morning hours, as opposed to what I used to try to do in my evening hours. The difference is incredible.

The human body seems to be built to arise with the sun. It may take a little bit of discipline, but it’s worth it. The difference it makes in life is great. Try it out!

(Running on a treadmill in the morning is a great early morning activity. Check out reviews and discounts on all the nam-brand treadmills at Treadmill Review

Learning to Dance

Dancing is one of the earliest forms of entertainment. Yes the moves, rhythms, patterns, and techniques have evolved a lot over time, but dancing is as old as music. Dancing has been used for anything from religious rituals, performance to nobility, to finding a mate. Only recently has it begun to be used as a form of exercise.

There are some forms of dancing that are aimed solely at physical exercise. While others are more for entertainment, they can still provide plenty of physical exercise. If you ask professional dancers, they will tell you that it can be one of the most physically exhausting sports out there.

The most popular dances are latin dances such as Salsa, Chacha, Tango, Rhumba, and more. Other popular dances are Swing in its many varieties, Walts, Fox Trot, and more. Dancing can be fun, romantic, engaging, and good for the body and mind. It’s a great way to break the ice for couples.

A popular modern dance that has swept the world lately is called Zumba. Basically a style of dancing that is aimed at getting a good workout to popular hit music. Over 12 million people take weekly Zumba classes to keep them in shape. It’s so popular because anyone can do it, and it really works well. All you have to do is let the music move you and go with it.

A great idea if you want to learn how to dance is to get a partner. A partner will really help motivate you to keep it up, and the two of you can learn together.

Pick a dance style that you’re interested in and I bet you can find lessons on it where ever you’re living. Try this out! Let us know how it goes. Thanks!

(Visit Proform Coupons for discounts on great namebrand treadmills.)

Turn off the TV

Did you know that the average American spends at least 4 hours of every single day watching TV? That adds up fast! That’s about 1/6 of every day is dedicated to the TV. Of all the activities we could think of, TV watching is the absolute least productive. Even sleeping is better for our bodies and minds than watching TV.
If there were a way that we could replace time spent on Television to something more productive, we would see an enourmous jump in productivity throughout the world. Not only this, but our minds and bodies would be dramatically healthier and happier.

If there is one healthy lifestyle change that will make a difference in your life, I would suggest to unplug the TV. Don’t pay for cable or satellite in your home. If you can’t live without it, find a way to limit yourself to at most 1 hour per day. Find a way to spend the extra time being active. over 1/3rd of all Americans are overweight. The likeliness of being overweight for someone who watches less than one hour per day are far less than someone who watches more than 3 hours per day.

Make a commitment to turn off the TV and get a life. You will feel much better in every aspect of your life. Many American’s are addicted to television without realizing it. It is imperative to our happiness and health that we put television in its place and not let it control us.

Try this out and see how it helps you.

(you can get coupons and discounts for treadmills with TVs at Treadmill Comparison)

Getting Into Sports

One of the best ways to stay in shape is to play a lot of sports. This will make your body an athlete’s body. When it comes to sports, your choices are practically endless. There are numberless sports out there that you could learn to play. When your intent is to get in shape, you should try to get into sports that will demand a lot of physical exercise.

Some of the most popular high-active sports include Basketball, Football, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, and Tennis. These sports should be fairly easy to find teams or games around town that you could join. Some will be more competitive, and some will be more relaxed. You should find a team that matches the competitive level that you’re comfortable with.

When you play sports you should try to always keep the best sportsmanship possible in order to be welcomed into future games. This includes keeping all the rules as exactly as possible. Don’t think that because you don’t get caught that it’s okay to break the rules. It’s also very important to keep a positive attitude all the time no matter what. Don’t start complaining when you start losing, and don’t accuse any of your teammates of not playing well. If you keep a positive attitude it will help your team’s moral and you will perform better, and they will want to have you on their team for future games.

It’s very important have good sportsmanship by being respectful to the other team. If you start to get angry with them, and be too competitive you will start to look like a fool. Although you should always try to play your hardest, and try your best to win, it’s important not to disrespect the other teammates. This is bad sportsmanship. Make sure you have good sportsmanship in winning and losing. These things will help you to enjoy yourself while playing sports, and they will ensure that the other players won’t get tired of you. Even if they aren’t very good at playing, a good sport is usually always welcome in any game.

Good luck!

(Get into shape on a treadmill. Find coupons and discounts on treadmills at Treadmill Reviews)

Sleep Pattern For Life

Humans are amazing creatures. Our bodies are the most incredible machines in the universe. We can do practically anything when we join together our mental and physical capabilities. We heal ourselves, we think for ourselves, we turn food into usable energy, we procreate, we’re pretty cool. With a little food and water, we can be completely self-sustaining for over a hundred years. It’s amazing.

However, other than food, water, and air, there is one more thing that we need in order to keep performing at top notch. That is SLEEP. We can only keep doing amazing things if we give ourselves rest. Scientists still can’t fully explain why exactly we need to sleep, but everybody who’s lived knows how much we need it.

In our society today, sleep is not stressed as a priority. It takes a back seat on our long to-do lists. Our general attitude seems to be, make sure to get everything else done first, and then if there is time, get some sleep.

If we neglect to get adequate amounts of sleep we are hindering our mental, physical, and emotional capacities. Our brain won’t function as quick or as clearly as it could, or bodies will be slower and less energetic, and we will be less enthusiastic about the things we do. We will have a harder time learning new things, coming up with new ideas, and storing information. When we are sleep deprived, our overall performance suffers more than we may realize.

A prolonged period of time of being sleep deprived will have a big impact on our mental and emotional growth. If we miss out on sleep once in a while, it won’t have much effect on us, but if we are in a habit of not getting sufficient sleep, it will be a big hindrance on our mental growth.

In order to prevent this, we need to develop a sleeping patter. Or, in other words, a bed time and a wake-up time. When we get into a habit like this, our body becomes accustomed to it, and easily follows its pattern. As soon as we slip into bed, our body knows it’s time to sleep, and as soon as it’s time to wake-up, our body knows it’s time to get up.

A sleeping pattern makes a big difference in our overall performance throughout the day. An ideal amount of sleep is between 7 – 9 hours. Aim for that each night and you fill find a new sense of energy, well-being, and clarity of mind.

Go for it! thanks for reading.

(Don’t forget to check out the treadmill discounts today at NordicTrack Coupons)

Starting a Food Journal

A lot of people have a hard time eating healthy. I’m going to explain in this article, how to keep an effective eating journal that will help you stay on top of what you eat and the nutrition you get in your diet.

In your efforts to eat healthier, the first step is to make sure you understand what you are eating before you eat it. So often we just eat and snack without really thinking about it. This leads to unhealthiness. If we consciously decide what we are going to eat before eating, we will be able to have more control of our diet.

Try to figure out where you can improve the most. Think about which of your meals tend to be the least healthy. Think about what you snack on throughout the day, and when you do it. The first step in creating this journal is being aware of what you take in. This will help you to figure out where you need to improve.

Understanding what you need to change will help you get started. Make yourself a food journal and keep tabs on everything that you eat. This can be a separate journal in itself, or just a section of your daily journal. It can be as simple an elaborate as you would like. Do whatever works best for you. Just make sure that you are consistent. With every meal write down what you eat. In addition, put how much food you ate. This can be difficult without a food scale handy all the time, but make as good of a guess as you can. Or you can make your own measuring system, like a 1 – 10 scale or something.

In addition to writing what you ate, write why you ate. The reason for this is because many times we don’t eat just because we’re hungry. Often we’ll eat because we’re bored, or it’s our routine, or something will look really good, or we’ll eat at a social event because everybody else is. Keeping track of this will help you to know why you eat at different times.

Also keep track of where you eat. This will also help you to figure out what places you tend to eat more. As you do this, you will be able to see patterns in your life and you will be able to control them to your best interest. As you take control of your eating habits using this method, you will have an easier time changing your diet to how you want it to be, rather than letting it be in control of itself. This is one of the most effective ways to stay on top of your diet.

good luck with it!

advertisement: If you put a treadmill in your home you are 5 times more likely to run each day than if you don’t. Find great discounts on any treadmill at Treadmill Review.

Does it Matter What I Drink?

All over the place we hear about what to eat and what not to eat. We tend to think about food much more often than liquids. However, somewhere in school each of us probably learned that our bodies are made up of about 75% liquid. Well, that liquid doesn’t just come out of thin air. That liquid comes from whatever we put into our body.

We can survive much longer without food than we can without water. We could die within just a few days of having no water, where we could go a week or two without having food before dying. Our body needs plenty of liquids to function properly. Liquids lubricate, clean, and transport things within our bodies.

So, when we start to feel that itch of being thirsty, what do we go for? Most beverages are made up of mostly water, so pretty much any normal beverage will at least keep us alive. The question is, what does it do inside our body?

Here are some drinks to avoid: #1 Carbonated soda. Carbonation is one of the worst things we can drink. Many people in this world are addicted to soda, and go straight for it whenever they feel thirsty. This is very bad for them. With the amount of carbonation in a can of pop, our body literally has to pull calcium out of our bones to balance out the carbonation in order to survive. Drinking several of these per day will have many negative consequences on our health from headaches, to weak bones, to diabetes, to a number of different problems. My suggestion would be to simply avoid carbonated drinks period. They are a cause of many terrible health problems in the world today.

Another is Alcohol, which is just as common, and much worse than soda. Alcohol will eventually kill us by destroying our kidneys. It’s terrible for the brain and it dehydrates us much more than hydrates us. It will also ruin our lives and our families when we get addicted.

high-caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks, are very addictive and harmful to our mental and physical health. We should stay away from these as much as possible.

Truly the best drink in the world is water. If we just keep drinking plenty of water, we will be very positively benefited from it. Our body will work and function much better when it is properly hydrated.

If we don’t get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat, then we can get much from different liquids. There are many great drinks out there that give us a lot of nutrition. Juices are excellent sources of nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Fruit juices have a lot of sugar in them, but they are still very good for us. Vegetable juices are even better for us. Milk is good for us by providing calcium for our bones. These along with many other drinks can benefit us in many ways.

Developing good drinking habits will impact our health to a great degree. It is one of the easiest aspects to stay healthy in, and one of the most impacting to our overall health. If we just stay away from harmful drinks that will get us addicted to them, we will begin to only want healthy drinks, and any harmful drink will not be enticing to us at all.

(here is a good site for great treadmills with water bottle holders)
Check it out. Hope all of this helps you. Come back for more next time.